
Thinksgiving – Elevating Value

Thinksgiving is after thanksgiving. It is when you can start to look at how you think and what you are thinking about for the next year.

Here is a list of basic thinking skills. They do not teach these skills in school. Look them over and see if you think they have value.

The Will

Intuition – Take inventory of your feelings when you are listening to others. If you will actively listen, you will be drawn in to another person’s thoughts and feelings. This will help you with Intuition and learning to think as others think without logical reasoning.

The Will – The will is the ability to fuel your activity. Activity is based in thought. Your thoughts fuel your activity.  A marathon is an example of the Will. One marathon will have many people who run, jog, or walk and most all finish the race.  They have the will. If you learn the will, you will do things that you may not be the best at, but you have the will to complete the task. This valuable skill is being able to have the thoughts that allow you to never quit.

Imagination – A person can look at the past and let it determine the future. I have been saying a phrase lately that gives a good look into the way a person is thinking. I say that we have to remember we will live in the future and we will not live in the past. This means that you cannot act in the past. You have no activity in the past, but today and the future are very different. You have the ability to change and grow and act in ways that are different than the past, and will most definitely have different results. You can imagine the past from reading about it or remembering it. You can also imagine the future and remember it daily.

Memory – Knowledge, understanding, wisdom, are all found in your memory. Conversation, business dealings, and personal relationships all have memory involved. When you think, each thought comes from the last. Your mind knows all the thoughts it has had. It also knows everything around the thoughts. It remembers the reasons, the motives, the feelings, and the location where you made the thought. You mind remembers the senses you had when you had the thoughts. Think about your memory and do whatever you can to increase your memory.

Perception – How you perceive things is your reality. How another perceives is their reality. Both have flaws and both have perfection.  Training your thoughts to perceive things as they are and not as you perceive is a skill. One of Stephen Covey’s seven habits is the ability to seek first to understand and then be understood.  If you can know the way you think could be incorrect, you should try to think with more understanding and perceive things more as they are and not as they appear.

If you can change the way you think, you can change the way you live. Live by elevating value.