Attack of the Robots!

by Carlin Day

Robots and artificial intelligence are a part of today and I believe part of our future. If you could have a robot, what kind of a robot would you want? What would you want it to do? I have asked this question and got some interesting answers.

Things people want robots to do:

Their job
Self Destruct (someone who apparently hates robots)
Drive a car
cook food
mow the grass
from Twitter (violence) no one to my face has said violence!

Regardless of their different answers, everyone agrees on the way the robots would make decisions. People want their robot to make decisions based on what they have told it to do or, if it is a very advanced robot capable of making its own decisions, they want the robot to make the decision they would make.

Elevating Value
Compare yourself to a robot. If you were a robot, designed by a creator, what would you do? You would do what you were created to do. When you make a decision, how would the designer of the robot want you to think? The designer would want you to make decisions based on the same thinking as the designer.

The Point
People are not robots. We are not given a task and forced to do it. We have the choice and the opportunity to make our own decisions.

Today, I encourage you to ask the designer for a calling, a purpose, a worthy ideal. Day by day, try to think like the designer and do things the way the designer would want them to be done.

Here are some resources:
