A Recipe for Value

by Carlin Day

This time of year, there are lots of recipes being used. All kinds of holiday foods are being cooked, exchanged, and enjoyed. The foods all have something interesting in common. Is it that they are delicious? Is it that holiday foods are unhealthy? Is it that they have a mysterious way of vanishing in the night when everyone is sleeping?(this is at least what happens at my house) While all these things are true, the commonality that I want to focus on, is the fact that they were all made with a recipe.

A recipe is the starting point. If you have a recipe, you have the plan of how to make your desired dish. The next step is acquiring all the necessary ingredients and putting them together according to the recipe. If the process is followed, you will end up with your desired result.

You may point out that a lot of great food is made without a recipe. This is true, but it is because the cook has mastered the dish and now knows the recipe by heart. Once the recipe has been mastered, the only reason you would need it again is to go back for direction if you forget something, or if you need to give the recipe to someone else because they asked for help. “This is delicious, can I have the recipe?”

The Value Recipe would look the same. If you are going to work on elevating value in 2019, you will need a way to get and give more value than you did in 2018, you will need a recipe. This would be something you write down and follow so that in 52 weeks, you will have a completed recipe. After a whole year, you will only need to reference your recipe if you need direction or forgot something. You also will need it when someone sees the improvement you have made and asks “What is different about you?” You will then need to share your recipe.


In 2019 Make sure you are using a recipe to accomplish something. I use a 52 week calendar and focus on doing one or two things per week that will make 2019 better than 2018. One important thing is to finish the calendar before you complete it. You can get the calendar I use by clicking below

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