Better Self Discipline = More Success

by Carlin Day

It is almost time to end 2018.  Have you accomplished what you wanted to get done in 2018? If not, there is still some time left.  If you have to get the whole goal done. There may not be enough time to get it finished. – Do it anyway –

Start Small

One thing I have learned, is that starting small is the best step to finish a task. If you will get started and keep at it without quitting, you can accomplish a sizable task. Here is an example. If you could keep up with plan A, it will change your life if you are currently using plan B.

After one year of following plan A, you will have done 520 pushups plus the extra you did. You will have walked 208 blocks plus the extra you walked because you realized four blocks was not that far. This is an example of the cruise ship example

For the last two years, I have followed a workout schedule and it has changed my whole life. It may sound crazy, but completing a task that you set yourself and no one has forced you to do, will affect every area of your life.

Better Self Discipline = More Success

Time to start thinking of what you would like to do and trying to break it down into small steps.

Actions Steps:

  1. Begin thinking about 2019, it will be here in one month
  2. Make a Plan better than No Plan
  3. Contact me if you are thinking about a workout plan. I currently work out one day a week and am looking to form a group.