Add Value

by Carlin Day

Is Value important?
When shopping for cars, houses, or simply groceries, you always want to get the most out of your money. You want to feel like you paid the correct price. If you have a coupon or a way to save money, you will feel even better because you got more than what you paid for. You got more value than you deserve. Value is very important.

How to add Value

Since value is important, lets turn it around and provide more value than expected in everything we do. All that is needed to add value is to do more than expected. Currently people expect what you are. If you are different, you are giving them more or less. It would probably be best to give more instead of less. If you are a jerk, It will be easy to add value – Just be less of a jerk! All a person has to do is be a little better and you will begin to elevate the value of everything around you.