Elevating Value


Intrinsically, everyone and everything, has value. The intrinsic value is a static basic value. Along with this static basic value, all things have an unlimited potential value. Who can change their value? Can water increase its own value? Can a toucan or a Sasquatch increase its value? Only a person has the ability to elevate their own value and increase the value of their surroundings. Nothing else has the creative power to change themselves and the environment around them.

The static value is real. if you look at people, everyone by nature, has the same value. They are a human being. They have God given rights just for being a person. If you think of commodities or elements, they also have a static value. Oil and diamonds are a good example. If they are in the ground and unrefined, they are still valuable. Obviously, the measure of value is not the same for people and oil. While not the same, both have an essential basic value. The basic value is just the beginning. Everything has an unlimited potential value.

Potential value possessed by all is unlimited. It may be limited in certain directions ie (A 5’10” person becoming 6’10” and making in to the NBA at age 30), but it is not limited as a whole. Each person has the unique ability to create the value they desire. All things have unlimited value but need a person to act up on them. A person must be the agent that elevates the value.

There is no doubt that humans are the highest form and possess skills that are unlike anything in the universe. Humans are able to separate their reactions to reasons. A great example is the before mentioned Sasquatch. When you read the word Sasquatch, flags go up in your mind that doubt the existence of the fabled creature. No one doubted the toucan, but anyone reading this would say “What a strange example, a Toucan and a Sasquatch?” People are able to think about what they feel and react in a way they choose. Over time, a person trains themselves to react the way they do by the thoughts they think and the actions they choose. Although all humans have the same basic value, each person contributes their own value to the outside world and each person has the unique ability to make choices that can elevate their value to whatever level they desire.